382 research outputs found

    Missão Polyedros: um diálogo entre a arte analógica e a digital e o ensino de geometria espacial através de atividades gamificadas

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    As tecnologias digitais, sobretudo os games, são importantes ferramentas para o estímulo de habilidades e competências artísticas, culturais e curriculares que, quando aliadas ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem, resultam em inúmeros benefícios para alunos e professores de um modo geral. O problema está no fato de que muitos docentes ainda não têm formação adequada para utilizar artefatos digitais, e muitos dos softwares e games educacionais existentes ainda são insuficientes e carentes de interfaces gráficas, funcionalidades, recursos, entre outros parâmetros, quando comparados com os comerciais. O objetivo é de apresentar um estudo sobre o ensino de geometria espacial, através de atividades gamificadas, estabelecendo diálogos entre a arte analógica e a digital, e o ensino de Geometria espacial com alunos do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio de uma escola pública. Dos resultados obtidos, destacam-se o comportamento participativo e o engajamento dos discentes, que se mostraram interessados em compreender o que estava sendo ministrado, graças às mecânicas de jogo empregadas. Os resultados mostraram que, quando aliada à utilização das Tecnologias Digitais da Informação e Comunicação (TDIC) ou a materiais concretos, a gamificação emerge como uma alternativa com grande potencial. Entretanto, por si só, ela não transforma a sala de aula nem garante o sucesso na execução de atividades, razão pela qual é necessária uma boa metodologia e o controle de turma por parte do professor, assim como a colaboração dos alunos para que haja uma aprendizagem tranquila e eficaz.Digital technologies are important tools to motivate artistic, cultural and curricular skills. When added to the teaching and learning process, they result in many benefits for teachers and students. Many teachers, however, still do have not the appropriate instruction to use digital artifacts, and most of the educational software and games are still insufficient and have poor graphical interfaces, resources and others parameters when compared to the commercial ones. The goal of this article is to present a study about spatial geometry’s teaching, through gamified activities, establishing dialogues between analogue and digital arts, in the teaching of third grade high school students from a public school. The results prove the participative behavior and the engagement of students, who have showed interest in understanding what was being taught, thanks to the game mechanics used. The results also show that when allied to Digital Technologies of Information and Comunication (TDIC), or other concrete materials, the gamification process emerges as an alternative with strong potential. However, by itself, it does not transform the classroom nor guarantees the success of the activities. For these reasons, a good methodology and classroom control by the teacher, as well as the collaboration of students, for a quiet and effective learning, is mandatory.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On the characterization of bias errors in defocusing-based 3D particle tracking velocimetry for microfluidics

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    In this work, we provide a systematic theoretical and experimental characterization of bias errors in defocusing particle tracking (DPT) methods based on a single calibration function, with respect to microfluidic applications, in which it is not possible to use calibration targets inside the measurement volume. This approach is widely used in microfluidic experiments, but bias errors are often neglected and to date only few works reported empirical procedures to compensate for that. A systematic characterization of the impact of such error in DPT measurements is still lacking. We show that the field curvature aberration and the refractive index mismatch are the main sources of bias error in these applications. We present a correction methodology for the bias error based on the determination of a reference surface, and in addition we propose a procedure based on a reference measurement of a Poiseuille flow to determine the reference surface on microfluidic channels with constant cross section. We discuss the impact of the refractive index mismatch and how to correctly compensate for it. We validated our methodology and quantified the bias errors on 10 different experimental setups, using different working fluids, materials, geometries, and microscope objective lenses ranging from 5 x to 40x magnification. Our results indicate that the impact of this type of bias errors is in general not predictable and must be evaluated case by case. The proposed methodology allows to estimate and minimize the bias error in most microfluidic setups and is suitable for any single-camera DPT approach

    Optimal dynamic control of laminated adaptive structures using a higher order model and a genetic algorithm

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    This paper deals with a finite element formulation based on the classical laminated plate theory, for active control of thin plate laminated structures with integrated piezoelectric layers, acting as sensors and actuators. The control is initialized through a previous optimization of the core of the laminated structure, in order to minimize the vibration amplitude. Also the optimization of the patches position is performed to maximize the piezoelectric actuator efficiency. The genetic algorithm is used for these purposes. The finite element model is a single layer triangular plate/shell element with 24 degrees of freedom for the generalized displacements, and one electrical potential degree of freedom for each piezoelectric element layer, which can be surface bonded or embedded on the laminate. To achieve a mechanism of active control of the structure dynamic response, a feedback control algorithm is used, coupling the sensor and active piezoelectric layers. To calculate the dynamic response of the laminated structures the Newmark method is considered. The model is applied in the solution of an illustrative case and the results are presented and discussed

    Litteras arena conspergere. Uncovering blotting sands on the Portuguese Inquisition documents

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    Historical and archival research focused on the Portuguese Inquisition documents (1551–1800) uncovered the use of arena known as blotting sands, a writing accessory used to hasten ink drying. We present in this work the first systematic study combining image analysis, SEM/EDS and µ-Raman techniques, statistics and chemometrics to characterise the blotting sands used by the Portuguese Inquisition and hypothesise their provenance. Iron-titanium and iron oxide minerals categorised as texturally mature sands are the dominant species, consistent with sediment extraction from fluvial or beach contexts and later processed. Chemometrics unveiled time period trends by clustering the samples according to morphology and composition data. This work constitutes a groundbreaking step towards uncovering this intricate writing tool

    Desempenho de oito cultivares de batata-doce conduzidos em sistema orgânico no Distrito Federal.

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    Objetivou-se com o presente estudo avaliar o desempenho de oito cultivares de batata-doce em cultivo orgânico, utilizando mudas com alta qualidade fitossanitária, no Distrito Federal visnado identificar as cultivares mais promissoara para este tipo de cultivo.Suplemento. Edição dos Anais do 53 Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura, jul. 2014

    Avaliação do pegamento de mini-estacas de batata-doce com uma gema em bandejas de poliestireno.

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    O presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a taxa de pegamento de mini-estacas de batata-doce com uma gema em bandejas de poliestireno com substrato, tratadas sob diferentes períodos de tempo de imersão em água

    Identificação das causas de perdas pós-colheita de pimentão no varejo.

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    ’Litteras arena conspergere’. Uncovering blotting sands on the Portuguese Inquisition documents

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    Historical and archival research focused on the Portuguese Inquisition documents (1551–1800) uncovered the use of arena known as blotting sands, a writing accessory used to hasten ink drying. We present in this work the first systematic study combining image analysis, SEM/EDS and µ-Raman techniques, statistics and chemometrics to characterise the blotting sands used by the Portuguese Inquisition and hypothesise their provenance. Iron-titanium and iron oxide minerals categorised as texturally mature sands are the dominant species, consistent with sediment extraction from fluvial or beach contexts and later processed. Chemometrics unveiled time period trends by clustering the samples according to morphology and composition data. This work constitutes a groundbreaking step towards uncovering this intricate writing tool.PTDC/ART-HIS/32327/2017; UIDB/04449/2020; UIDP/04449/2020; LA/P/0132/2020, UIDB/00057/2020; SFRH/BD/147528/2019; PTDC/ART-HIS/32327/201